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Rachel Hirschey, PhD, RN, is a UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center member whose research focuses on designing and testing physical activity interventions to improve cancer outcomes and eliminate cancer disparities.

Assistant Professor, Nursing
UNC-Chapel Hill
Cancer Prevention and Control

Area of Interest

Hirschey’s research focuses on designing and testing physical activity interventions to improve cancer outcomes and eliminate cancer disparities. Priorities in her work include:

  1. Co-creating interventions with key stakeholders
  2. Guiding interventions with dual process behavior theories
  3. Creating interventions to be scalable and sustainable in oncology practice
  4. Tailoring interventions for groups who experience cancer disparities

Awards and Honors

  • Best Research Abstract Oncology Nursing Society 44th Annual Congress, 2019
  • Triangle Oncology Nursing Society Conference Travel Award, 2019

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Headshot of Rachel Hirschey
  • Phone Number

    (919) 966-5686 (Office Phone)

  • Address

    UNC School of Nursing, 120 N. Medical Drive

    5104 Carrington Hall

    CB #7460

    Chapel Hill, NC 27599