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Enigmatic protein sculpts DNA to repair harmful damage

July 13, 2020
Jack Griffith, PhD, is co-author of a PNAS paper that shows the role the XPG protein plays in DNA repair in healthy human cells, as well as how different mutations can translate into different diseases and cancer.

Griffith Wins Photographic Society of America’s Progress Award

May 11, 2020
The Photographic Society of America was founded in 1934 and is the largest society dedicated to photography. The society presents its Progress Award for the advancement of photography. Both individuals and corporations have been honored with the award, the list including Walt Disney, Ansel Adams, Victor Hasselblad, Jacques-Yves Cousteau and...

UNC Lineberger’s Griffith elected into National Academy of Sciences

May 3, 2018
Jack Griffith, PhD, has conducted extensive research utilizing high-resolution electron microscopy to visualize protein-DNA interactions. He was elected into the National Academy of the Sciences, which is considered one of the highest scientific honors in the United States.

Studies of DNA and cellulose trapped in ancient salt deposits

July 28, 2009
The ancient Egyptians preserved their dead with salt. The technique worked so well that bodies thousands of years old still survive today as mummies. Now researchers are uncovering evidence that salt has preserved life-forms much older than any pharaoh. Correspondent Ziya Tong explores a place where the ultimate natural preservative...

Tying Up Loose Ends – UNC Endeavors Magazine

September 24, 2004
For Jack Griffith, science is best when you get the whole picture.