UNC Cancer Care, UNC Lineberger and the N.C. Cancer Hospital are committed to providing the care you need. To help decrease risk for you and your care team, we have implemented changes in policies and procedures so we can continue to deliver high-quality care in a safe environment.
In this video, our doctors share the precautions that are in place for patient care and cancer treatment, including clinical trials.
Additional resources
UNC Health Updates
Find updated information on COVID-19 as it relates to UNC Health and our affiliated hospitals, and our preparations, as well as tips for staying healthy.
Support for cancer patients and their caregivers
The Comprehensive Cancer Support Program continues to offer physical and emotional support services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Members of the CCSP and N.C. Cancer Hospital teams share the available resources to our patients and their caregivers, and how to connect to the CCSP during this time.
COVID-19 Response Fund
Gifts to the COVID-19 Response Fund will provide critical funding for UNC Health’s immediate needs to fight the pandemic.