What to Expect
We are here for you and want you to be as comfortable as possible as you begin your care with us.
Patients referred to the UNC von Hippel-Lindau Comprehensive Clinical Care Center are seen by a multidisciplinary team of clinicians.
The visit includes a formal UNC evaluation of prior pathology, imaging, and outside medical records. The team provides a consensus opinion regarding the best treatment plan for the individual patient.
Additional specialists are consulted as needed to complete the patient care plan. Dedicated program coordinators and nurse navigators guide the complex care delivered to our patients by facilitating information intake, scheduling all tests and follow-up visits, and ensuring clear communication to referring health care providers.
Each patient will receive a detailed, individualized Treatment Summary and Care Plan.
VHL Alliance Comprehensive Clinical Care
The goals of the Clinical Care Program of the VHL Alliance are:
- To improve diagnosis and treatment of VHL syndrome
- To provide coordination of care across medical specialties
- To provide resource centers for patients and physicians who are new to VHL
- To provide a ready channel for communicating advances to these centers of expertise
- To provide a model which can be replicated elsewhere
Find more information about the VHL Alliance