Saliva Collection
Once consent for saliva specimens (Biological Specimens consent) has been received, an Oragene•DISCOVER | OGR-500 saliva self-collection kit is mailed to the participant with prepaid label, and return packaging. Study staff may follow up with participants to obtain kits not returned within 30 days of mailing. If the received kit fails to produce enough material (≥ 5µg DNA), staff may also follow up with the participant to request another self-collection sample. Participants can choose not to participate in providing initial or additional samples and it will not affect their participation in the study.
Per Website:
Expected Saliva sample size: 2mL Median DNA yield: 110µg
Stable at room temperature for: years
Acceptable for shipping at ambient temperature: yes
Tissue Collection
After consent has been obtained from the study participants, a letter is sent to corresponding pathology departments requesting the selection of one, or (preferably) two representative blocks containing cancer and one block of uninvolved tissue such as cervix, lymph node, fallopian tube, or ovary (if needed – only need normal tissue if failed to obtain 5ug DNA from Saliva sample). The tumor tissue should be the most representative sample that establishes and defines the cancer diagnosis and also provides adequate tumor tissue for all of the assays needed for future molecular analysis. Paraffin-embedded, fixed tumor (FFPE) block samples of endometrial cancer and uninvolved tissues will be obtained.
Tumor Tissue Processing and Banking
All received tumor tissues are first processed by the Pathology Services Core (PSC) to create Top H&E slides. Once these slides are created, they are delivered to the study pathologist for review. The study pathologist reviews the H&E slides for the presence of desired tissue (Tumor or Normal) and selects the most representative sample of each that is received (if multiple). If a tumor sample is selected, the pathologist records histologic type and grade as reviewed on the H&E slide. The pathologist may also comment on the quality of the tissue present as well as whether the tissue should be sectioned using the full or limited schema protocol.
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