The 34th annual UNC Lineberger scientific symposium attracted more than 500 participants. Held at the Friday Center on April 28-29, 2010, the event featured speakers on “MicroRNAs and Non-Coding RNAs in Development and Cancer.”
Greg Hannon from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory delivered the keynote address. Josh Mendell from Johns Hopkins University and Frank Slack from Yale University gave Lineberger lectures.
Other speakers were: Dirk Dittmer from UNC Lineberger; Anindya Dutta from the University of Virginia; Elaine Fuchs from Rockefeller University; Tom Gingeras from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; Scott Hammond from UNC Lineberger; Anna Krichevsky from Harvard University; Judy Lieberman from Harvard University; Lee Lim from Rosetta Merck; Bill Marzluff from UNC Lineberger; and Andrea Ventura from Memorial Sloan-Kettering.
Sessions chairs were Karen Adelman from NIEHS; Scott Hammond from UNC Lineberger; and Yue Xiong from UNC Lineberger.
Many thanks to our sponsors who made the event possible.
Leadership: LabCorp and NIEHS
Associate: Gilead Sciences
Patrons: Burroughs Wellcome, Karyologic, New England Biolabs, Inc., and NC Biotechnology Center
Friends: Myers Bigel and Talecris Biotherapeutics