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The 59th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting, held Dec. 9-12, drew approximately 25,000 people from around the globe to Atlanta to hear UNC Lineberger researchers and others present the latest advances into the causes and treatment of blood cancers and disorders.

Callie Coombs, MD, MS, Marcie Riches, MD, MS, Jonathan Serody, MD, and William A. Wood, MD, moderated expert panels on topics ranging from outcomes for myelodysplastic syndromes and leukemia to the impact of disease burden in myeloma.

Research into new potential treatments for relapsed acute myeloid leukemia and advances in potential treatment for a range of other blood cancers were among the studies presented by University of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center members at the 59th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting.

The meeting, held Dec. 9-12, drew approximately 25,000 people from around the globe to Atlanta to hear the latest advances into the causes and treatment of blood cancers and disorders.

UNC Lineberger researchers provided expert commentary and presented findings in oral and poster presentations across a range of topics.

Callie Coombs, MD, MS, Marcie Riches, MD, MS, Jonathan Serody, MD, and William A. Wood, MD, moderated expert panels on topics ranging from outcomes for myelodysplastic syndromes and leukemia to the impact of disease burden in myeloma.

There were oral presentations delivered by Riches on fatal infections in allogenic stem-cell transplant, and Serody on graft-versus host disease, and from other researchers.

Matthew Foster, MD, reported on results of an early-stage clinical trial for relapsed acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome. In poster presentations, Nigel Key, MBChB, FRCP, presented on chronic kidney disease in hemophilia patients.

Other presentations by UNC Lineberger faculty included:

Identification of Leukemia Associated Minor Histocompatibility Antigens through Computational Prediction and Targeted Mass Spectrometry.”
Jefferson L. Lansford, Udara Dharmasiri, PhD, Shengjie Chai, Sally A. Hunsucker, PhD, Dante S. Bortone, PhD, James E. Keating, Ian M. Schlup, Gary L. Glish, PhD, Edward J. Collins, PhD, Gheath Alatrash, DO, PhD, Jeffrey J. Molldrem, MD, Paul M. Armistead, MD, PhD, and Benjamin G. Vincent, MD.

Bim Regulates the Survival and Suppressive Capability of CD8+ Foxp3+ Regulatory T Cells during Graft Versus Host Disease.”
Benjamin G. Vincent, MD, Kimberle A. Agle, PhD, Ludovic Belle, PhD, Vivan Zhou, PhD, Clint Piper, Warren D Shlomchik, MD, Jonathan S. Serody, MD and William R. Drobyski, MD.

Phase II Study of High Dose Cytarabine Followed By Pembrolizumab in Relapsed/Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).”
Joshua F Zeidner, MD, Benjamin G. Vincent, MD, Anastasia Ivanova, PhD, Matthew C. Foster, MD, Catherine C. Coombs, MD, Katarzyna Jamieson, MD, Hendrik Van Deventer, MD, Richard Scibilia, Laura Blanchard, Cassiopeia Frank, Sean Gallagher, Melissa Matson, AGPCNP-BC, Katherine Pepin, Lori Vaught, Nancy Vogler, Ivana Gojo, MD, Leo Luznik, MD and Jonathan S Serody, MD.

Class I HLA Peptide Epitope Binding Efficiency Has No Impact on Graft Vs. Host Disease Incidence Following Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation.”
Charlotte McIlwaine Story, MD, Jefferson L. Lansford, Dominic T. Moore, MPH, MS, Chang Xu, Benjamin G. Vincent, MD, Paul M. Armistead, MD, PhD, and Marcie L. Riches, MD, MS.

“Murine Studies to Test the Efficacy of Platelet Transfusions in the Management of Platelet Function Disorders.” Raymond Piatt, Robert Hugh Lee, PhD, David Paul, PhD and Wolfgang Bergmeier, PhD.

Impact of NCI Comprehensive Cancer Center Designation, Provider Specialization and Patient Sharing with Community Providers on Outcomes for Patients with Multiple Myeloma.”
Ashley T. Freeman, MD, Lei Zhou, MSPH, Justin G. Trogdon, PhD, Chris D. Baggett, PhD, Sascha A. Tuchman, MD, Thomas C. Shea, MD, and William A. Wood, MD, MPH.

The Anti-Viral Compound Cosalane Attenuates Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease in Murine Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Models.”
Kenneth A. Fowler, MS, Danny W. Bruce, PhD, and James M. Coghill Jr., MD.

“Effect of Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System Blocking Agents on Progression of Glomerulopathy in Sickle Cell Disease.”
Ashley Thrower, Emily Jane Ciccone, MD, Poulami Maitra, MS, Jianwen Cai, PhD, Vimal K. Derebail, MD, and Kenneth I. Ataga, MD.

“A Dose-Finding Study of Lenalidomide As Post-Remission Therapy for Older Adults with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).”
Matthew C. Foster, MD, Hendrik W. Van Deventer, MD, Katarzyna Jamieson, MD, Benjamin G. Vincent, MD, Melissa Matson, AGPCNP-BC, Karen McKinnon, PhD, Shannon Reisdorf, Jack Zhang, RN, Will Pulley, Hyman Muss, MD, Anastasia Ivanova, PhD, and Joshua F. Zeidner, MD.

Bridging the Translational Divide Trainee Didactic Session.” Nigel Mackman, PhD.

“Calcium-Induced Conformational Changes in EF hands and Autoinhibitory Linker Region are Critical for Catalytic Activity of Cal-DAG-GEFI Toward the Small GTPase Rap.”
Wolfgang Bergmeier, Aaron Cook, Wei Deng, PhD, Renhao Li, PhD, John Sondek, PhD, and Wolfgang Bergmeier, PhD

“A Novel Process for the Expansion of Functional Human ILC2 Cells for Gvhd Prevention.”
Yan Xing, MD, PhD, Healther Stefanski, MD, PhD, Danny W. Bruce, PhD, Keli Lee Hippen, PhD, James M. Coghill Jr., MD, Karen McKinnon, PhD, Shannon Resdorf, Bruce Blazar, MD, and Jonathan S. Serody, MD.