CHAPEL HILL, NC – Ed Chaney, PhD, professor in the physics and computing division of UNC’s Department of Radiation Oncology, has been recognized by the American Board of Radiology (ABR) with a lifetime achievement award.
The award recognizes ongoing and exceptional service in fulfilling the ABR’s mission. Chaney has served the organization as Trustee, Assistant Executive Director (Physics), as a member of the Executive Committee, Oral Physics Examiner, Chair of the Physics Examination Committee, Chair of the Psychometrics Committee, as a member of the Physics Credentials Committee and, most recently, as Chair of the Radiation Oncology Physics Examination Subcommittee.
Chaney joined UNC in 1979 and, in addition to increasingly responsible appointments in Radiation Oncology, has served as an adjunct professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering and a member of the graduate faculty. He is a fellow of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine and the American College of Radiology and has served as an invited reviewer for the NCI.
His research interests include physics-based modeling for image-guided radiation treatment planning and delivery; image acquisition, processing, and display for image-guided radiotherapy treatment planning and delivery; computer based approaches for automatic image segmentation; and statistical characterization of shape and shape change of anatomical objects and tumors. He serves as principal investigator on two current NCI grants and as co-investigator on two additional NCI and NIH grants.