CHAPEL HILL, N.C. – Jean and Woody Durham of Chapel Hill received the 2010 Outstanding Service Award from the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The Durhams were honored during the spring meeting of the Lineberger Board of Visitors.
The award is given to a volunteer who provides dedicated service and outstanding leadership to UNC Lineberger. They are the 25th recipients to be recognized since the award was established in 1988.
Jean Durham was cited for her strong volunteer leadership as chair for three years of Tickled Pink, one of UNC Lineberger’s signature fund raising events, by center director Shelley Earp, MD. Earp said, “The Tickled Pink events attract more than 600 people each year, and organizing the volunteers, decorating the venues, and staging the events require countless hours. Jean’s steady leadership has made these events shine, attracting more participants and increasing the amount raised in support of our patients and families.”
Woody Durham was cited for his tireless work with Fast Break with Roy Williams, another signature annual fundraising event. Dr. Earp explained, “Fast Break with Roy Williams is a hugely popular event. People get up early for this event, often driving some distance to attend, and Woody’s familiar, mellifluous voice as he emcees the event, makes for a fast-paced, fun morning. Woody has been involved with Fast Break from the beginning when it started five years ago. Without question his skills as an auctioneer increase the amount raised by this event that supports UNC Lineberger treatment programs.”
Earp said, “We are indeed fortunate to have two such stellar volunteers married to each other who share a commitment to improving the lives of those diagnosed with cancer and to eradicating this disease by supporting research into cancer’s causes. We thank these two wonderful volunteers.”