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CHAPEL HILL, N.C. – The UNC Comprehensive Cancer Support Program (CCSP) and the American Cancer Society (ACS) co-sponsored the first Latino “Look Good … Feel Better” program on February 15.

“Look Good… Feel Better” is a free, non-medical, brand-neutral national public service program created to help individuals with cancer look good, improve their self-esteem, and thereby manage their treatment and recovery with greater confidence.

Beth Fogel, resource nurse navigator for the CCSP’s Patient and Family Resource Center, worked with Rosa Mayorga, ACS bilingual mission delivery representative, and Claudia Rojas, Latino clinic manager of the UNC Center for Latino Health, to initiate the program. Mayorga recruited and trained Spanish-speaking cosmetologists, and Rojas recruited Spanish-speaking cancer patients at UNC.

Pam Baker, program coordinator for the CCSP Patient and Family Resource Center, oversees the monthly “Look Good Feel Better” sessions. She said, “We’ve long had a successful program in English for numerous patients over the years in our Patient and Family Resource Center. It’s wonderful that we’re now able to offer it in Spanish.”


Rosa Mayorga said, “ACS is very pleased to partner with UNC to offer this beautiful program serving a population of cancer patients in great need. The LGFB Latino sessions at UNC would not be possible without the dedication and expertise of our exceptional cosmetologist volunteers: Nelson Ross, Luz Palomo and Elvia Herrera.”.

One of the patient participants, Juana Ramirez, said, “You really feel good during these sessions, like a normal person. I recommend to women to take advantage of this opportunity. You will feel different and beautiful. I liked that they encourage people to feel good.”

(“Realmente se siente uno bien en las sesiones, como una personal normal. Yo recomiendo a las mujeres que tengan esta oportunidad que la aprovechen, uno se siente bien cambiado y bien lindo. Me gusto que animen a las personas a estar bien.” )

The program will be held quarterly with the remaining 2010 dates: May 17, August 16, and November 15.

To register please contact Claudia Rojas (919-966-5800) at the UNC Center for Latino Health – Latino Clinic.

The Look Good Feel Better Program was founded and developed in 1989 by the Personal Care Products Council Foundation, a charitable organization established by the Personal Care products Council, the leading national trade association representing global cosmetic and personal care products industry. The program is a collaboration of the Personal Care Products Council Foundation, the ACS, and the Professional Beauty Association/National Cosmetology Association, a national organization of more than 25,000 beauty professionals, wig experts, estheticians, makeup artists and nail technicians. This program has served 650,000 women nationwide since 1989.