The 2010 Postdoc-Faculty Day was held October 14th at the Kenan Center. Dr. Joseph Pagano, UNC Lineberger Director Emeritus and training grant PI, offers his perspective on this lively annual event.
“Thirty-five years ago a band of Fellows and Faculty met in the Carolina Inn for the first Lineberger Postdoc-Faculty Day. The growth in size, scientific sophistication and attendance for this annual event in recent years has been stunning, with 200 people attending this year’s event.
“The conference, now organized mostly by the Fellows themselves, under the guidance of one of our Faculty preceptors–this year, Dr. Greg Matera, member of the Lineberger Cancer Genetics Program and the Department of Biology–continues to radiate with polished presentations and lively questions. So much of the exciting research at Lineberger is the work of our gifted Fellows.
“We also welcomed back our annual alumni guest – this year, Dr. Alan Howe, Associate Professor of Pharmacology at the Vermont Cancer Center. He made vivid the kind of career Fellows can have in a terrific talk laced with humor and reminiscences of his journey from Lineberger Fellow to well-known investigator. Altogether exhilarating!”
A poster session was held following the presentations, with four monetary prizes awarded among the 28 posters displayed: three for judge’s evaluation and one for viewers’ choice. Serving as judges were: Victoria Bautch, Jay Brenman, William Kim, Ben Major, Greg Matera, Brian Strahl, Angelique Whitehurst, and Yanping Zhang.
Poster Winners:
First Place (tie):
Poster #7 – The Role of APC in Spindle Attachment and Chromosomal Instability
John Poulton (Mark Peifer)
Poster #16 – IKK-dependent Phosphorylation and Feedback-inhibition of PI3K Promotes Starvation-induced Autophagy
William Comb (Al Baldwin)
Third Place: Poster #19 – Engineering a Novel Class of Enzymes: Artificial Site-specific RNA Endonucleases;
Rajarshi Choudhury (Zefeng Wang)
The new category of viewer’s choice:
Poster #9- HER4 Isoforms Cyt1 and Cyt2 Differentially Interact with Hippo Pathway Effectors Yap and TEAD
Anna Misior (Shelley Earp)
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