Nov. 15 was a day unlike any other for UNC Lineberger’s Katie Hoadley, PhD.
That evening, between the second and third periods of the Carolina Hurricanes’ Hockey Fights Cancer game at the PNC Area, Hoadley rode on the Zamboni as it cleaned and resurfaced the ice, thanks to an invitation from Susan G. Komen.
“That was a fantastic experience. So much fun,” said Hoadley, assistant professor of genetics whose research has generated important insights into the genetic drivers of breast cancer. “The Zambonis are really tall. We had to use a ladder to get up there. Once we got on the ice it was a lot of fun to find all of my friends around the ice and wave to them and the rest of the crowd. We also had our names announced and shown on the jumbotron!”
Hoadley also got to bump fists with the Hurricanes players as they came out of the locker room for the second period. “The players are a lot taller than I was expecting (even with skates on!), but it was a great view seeing out into the ice from that level.”
She said it was an amazing experience, and she is grateful that Komen gave her the opportunity to represent them on the ice. “I’d definitely do this again!”