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The Outcomes@Lineberger faculty includes members from the Schools of Medicine, Public Health, Nursing, Information Science, Journalism, Sociology, and Pharmacy at UNC Chapel Hill with expertise spanning diverse perspectives and disciplines.

Outcomes Faculty

Clinical Informatics

Antonia Bennett


Associate Professor, UNC-Chapel Hill

Patient-Reported Outcomes

Clinical Informatics

Jennifer Elston Lafata


Professor and Executive Vice Chair, Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy, UNC-Chapel Hill

Quality of Cancer Care Delivery

Clinical Informatics

Implementation Science

Javed Mostafa


Professor, Information and Library Science; Director, Carolina Health Informatics, UNC-Chapel Hill

Clinical Informatics

Patient Reported Outcomes

Sarah J. Nyante


Assistant Professor, Radiology, UNC-Chapel Hill

Health Disparities/Equity

Clinical Informatics

Hung-Jui (Ray) Tan


Assistant Professor, Urology; Program Director, Urologic Oncology Fellowship, UNC-Chapel Hill

Quality of Cancer Care Delivery

Comparative Effectiveness Research

Decision Sciences and Economics

Clinical Informatics

Implementation Science