UCRF funds allow UNC faculty to work with communities across the state to develop targeted strategies to increase cancer screening, advance cancer prevention initiatives, and partner with local health care providers to improve cancer therapies.
Cancer Survivorship
The Survivorship Program was created as part of the UNC Lineberger’s efforts to improve cancer survivorship services for North Carolinians touched by cancer, along with the UNC Comprehensive Cancer Support Program and the UNC Cancer Network.
CIPHR (Cancer Information & Population Health Resource)
The Cancer Information & Population Health Resource provides a prospective data linkage between metrics of cancer incidence, mortality, and burden in North Carolina and data sources at an individual and aggregate level that describe health care, economic, social, behavioral, and environmental patterns.
UNC Lineberger Cancer Network (Education, Telemedicine and Clinical Trials)
The UNC Lineberger Cancer Network (UNCCN) coordinates the programs of UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center located across the state of North Carolina. UNC researchers and clinicians are partnering with community physicians and clinics across North Carolina to move research into practice and provide citizens with the best cancer services available. These partnerships will help translate laboratory discoveries into improved care for individual patients as well as the population at large, through clinical trials, prevention, survivorship, and screening programs. Current programs include: Clinical Trials; Outreach, Education and Navigation; and Telemedicine.
UNC Health Registry
The goal of the Registry is to better understand the causes of diseases, like cancer, which affect many North Carolinians. We aim to prevent diseases, find better ways to treat them, and also help people live their lives more fully even if they have illnesses. We hope to enroll 10,000 participants in the Registry. If you are 18 years of age or older, have a North Carolina address, and an appointment in the North Carolina Hospital system we invite you to play an important role by participating in this extraordinary effort.