Mediasite is used extensively by the UNC Lineberger Cancer Network for recording and streaming of online video. Our Lecture Video Library uses Mediasite to make over 200 education videos available to the public.
Mediasite Use
Mediasite allows viewers to see and hear presentations that include: presenter video, presenter audio, and slides. Mediasite allows each viewer to determine how she or he would like to view the presentation. You decide if you want slides or presenters to be larger, and if you wish, you should always be able to see both.
Live Link!
Please visit to access a live lecture as it is taking place. A list of alls scheduled events can be found on our Events tab.
General Recommendations
- Mediasite is generally best viewed in Chrome, but other browsers should also work.
- When viewing a Mediasite video for the first time, you may be prompted to install Microsoft Silverlight. Later, you may occasionally be asked to install an update.
- A standard Play triangle appears on the lower left portion of the screen to start and stop the video.
- Always ensure that the volume icon near the bottom of the screen is adjusted properly, and that the sound is also adjusted properly on your computer.
How to Test (Always Recommended)
We ALWAYS recommend that you test Mediasite at least twenty-four hours prior to the first time you use it with an audience. To test Mediasite, you can watch this sample video which explains basic features of Mediasite. If you are able to see and hear this video, you should also be able to see and hear the live video with your audience. You may also test by going to our Lecture Video Library and clicking your way to any of the available videos.
Using Closed Captioning
Closed Captioning is currently available for our Community College Lecture Series. To view the closed captions during the playback of the recording, simply click on the “CC” button in the white circle, located near the bottom of the page. If no CC button appears, closed captioning is not available. Please note that it takes approximately four business days from the day of the recording before closed captioning is available.
Can’t Watch a Live or Recorded Video?
In the event that you are not able to view a video, complete with slides, please call 919-445-1000 for assistance.