Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
Komen Training and Career Development awards seek to bridge the funding gap faced by recently graduated PhDs and early faculty as they start their careers in breast cancer research. Application Deadline: May 2015
Career Catalyst Research Grants
$450,000 combined direct and indirect costs; ($150,000 per year for up to 3 years)
CCR Grants provide unique opportunities for scientists who have held faculty positions for no more than six years at the time of full application to achieve research independence. CCR grants provide support for hypothesis-driven research projects that have significant potential to advance our understanding of breast cancer, lead to reductions in breast cancer incidence and/or mortality, and move us toward the goal of a world without breast cancer.There are two research focus areas: Basic/Translational and Clinical.
Career Catalyst Research Grants – Basic/Translational Research
This award mechanism is appropriate for both basic (i.e. Ph.D.) or clinical (i.e. M.D.) fellows proposing research projects that are laboratory- or field- based and do not meet Komen’s definition of clinical research. Studies focusing on quality of life or survivorship issues are not appropriate for this mechanism.
Career Catalyst Research Grants – Clinical Research
This award mechanism is appropriate for clinical (i.e. M.D.) fellows/faculty proposing clinical, patient-oriented research projects that involve direct interactions with human subjects/patients. This includes studies such as therapeutic interventions or clinical trials.
Komen defines clinical research as hypothesis driven, patient-oriented research for which an investigator directly interacts with human subjects/patients, in conjunction with laboratory-based research, as appropriate. This includes studies such as therapeutic interventions or clinical trials.
Download the current Career Catalyst Research Grants RFA (PDF)
Postdoctoral Fellowship Grants
Up to $180,000 direct costs only; ($60,000 per year for 2 to 3 years)
PDF Grants seek to attract and support promising scientists embarking on careers dedicated to breast cancer research and who have no more than 3 years post-completion of their most recent clinical fellowship, 5 years post-completion of their most recent residency (for physicians), or 5 years post-completion of their most recent Ph.D. By providing funding to outstanding postdoctoral/postgraduate fellows under the guidance of a mentor, Komen seeks to ensure that a diverse pool of highly trained scientists will emerge as the next generation of leaders in the field of breast cancer research. PDF Grants provide support for research projects that have significant potential to advance our understanding of breast cancer, lead to reductions in breast cancer incidence and/or mortality, and move us toward the goal of a world without breast cancer.
There are 2 Research Focus Areas: Basic/Translational and Clinical
Postdoctoral Fellowship Grants – Basic/Translational Research
This grant mechanism is appropriate for both basic (i.e. Ph.D.) or clinical (i.e. M.D.) fellows proposing research projects that are laboratory- or field- based and do not meet Komen’s definition of clinical research. Studies focusing on quality of life or survivorship issues are not appropriate for this mechanism.
Postdoctoral Fellowship Grants – Clinical Research
This grant mechanism is appropriate for clinical (i.e. M.D.) fellows proposing clinical, patient-oriented research projects that involve direct interactions with human subjects/patients. This includes studies such as therapeutic interventions or clinical trials.
Komen defines clinical research a hypothesis driven, patient-oriented research for which an investigator directly interacts with human subjects/patients, in conjunction with laboratory-based research as appropriate. This includes studies such as therapeutic interventions or clinical trials.
Download the current Postdoctoral Fellowship Grants RFA (PDF)
Application Deadline: May 2015
For more information visit their website: