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UNC Lineberger’s training and education programs are part of the National Cancer Institute’s Cancer Research Training and Education Coordination (CRTEC) program. As part of the CRTEC mission, we offer opportunities for high school, undergraduate, graduate, predoctoral and postdoctoral students, and faculty members.

CRTEC identifies, integrates, and organizes resources to:

  1. Train and promote career development for basic, translational, clinical and population science students/researchers at all stages, from professional degree candidates, pre- and post-doctoral fellows, to junior faculty launching their independent careers and mid-level/senior faculty seeking new collaborative research opportunities or leadership roles
  2. Stimulate interest in cancer research and cancer care in middle, high school and community college students as well as undergraduates
  3. Educate the North Carolina community on cancer and cancer careers
  4. Educate UNC Lineberger administrative staff on effective methods to support research and training missions

Learn more about our research and clinical fellowships, and training and recognition opportunities.

Headshots of Jen Jen Yeh, Buddy Weissman and Ashley Leak-Bryant

“UNC Lineberger is training the next generation of cancer researchers and physicians as we work to find a cure. It is a critical role of the cancer center to connect students and faculty to ongoing training and educational opportunities. Similarly, we must engage with our community to spread that knowledge and understanding of cancer research and care.”
–UNC Lineberger CRTEC Leadership Team


Meet the Leadership Team